Die sims 2 haustiere
Die sims 2 haustiere

die sims 2 haustiere

As you know, we don't like to make life easy for ourselves-so we made different designs on several different platforms. What have you added to the console versions of the Sims 2 Pets to try and lure in consumers from the consoles market? GS: All of the PC versions of Sims games do really well in retail. Obviously we look forward to making 360 versions in the future. RH: Well, it was a long decision and obviously the Xbox 360 is having a fantastic year, and we just looked at how it would be this holiday season, standing up against what is going to be a great holiday season for the Xbox 360, and given our current-gen focus it didn't quite make sense. Why isn't there an Xbox version? I mean.there's a GameCube version! And this seemed like the perfect opportunity. We've never done that before-PC, and console, and handheld-and we really wanted to invest in consoles going forward on the franchise. RH: It's such a strong theme that we wanted to have a unified launch. What was it about this one that made you decide to go with the consoles again?

die sims 2 haustiere die sims 2 haustiere

GS: You decided to put out full console versions for The Sims 2 Pets, but you didn't do it for Nightlife or other PC add-ons for the Sims 2. They can actually keep you as a pampered human. Also, your pets can have these really fun careers, where you've got the career ladder. Also of course, it's got the more advanced personalities of the Sims 2 core product and it's pretty much improved in every way. So you make little tiger dogs and cats and you can modify just about every aspect of the animal. RH: Well, you can create your own pets, which is really kind of awesome. GS: How is The Sims 2 Pets going to be different from the Unleashed expansion from the original Sims? So last year was Nightlife and this year is definitely Pets. And then in the fall we give everybody what they're asking for. The spring one is usually where we try and do something new creatively or try a new life experience. So we really like to push in a new direction for one expansion pack and then give players what they're asking for with another expansion pack. We realize that an easy trap to fall into would be to retread old ground that we did on Sims 1. GameSpot: How much of the decision to go with Sims 2 Pets was due to the voice of the Sims community? GameSpot had a chance to sit down with Rod Humble, executive producer for The Sims, and talk about the obstacles the developer faces in trying to market the console editions to gamers, as well as plans for The Sims in the next generation.

die sims 2 haustiere

The Sims games have done very well on the PC side, but the console counterparts haven't exactly broken the bank. It will be released as an expansion for the PC, and as a full Sims game on consoles and handhelds-the second Sims 2 game for such platforms. This week, Electronic Arts announced the latest Sims project, The Sims 2 Pets.

Die sims 2 haustiere